Clark Store

Clark Store

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Couple Updates

Hey friends and family,

A couple of praises to update you on:

  • We found someone to take over our lease for our apartment in north Indianapolis. This is a huge blessing because it saves us over $2,500!! We had posted it on Craigslist and were flooded with responses and finally someone committed and finished the application process.
  • We might have found a car! A couple of days ago a pastor from my home church in Geneva, IL referred me to a Auto ministry called MATS. They find used cars for missionaries, pastors and other ministry staff and they are able to have mechanics work on them and sell them at at a discounted price. The best part is they are located in Indianapolis! I contacted them a couple days ago and they have a great all wheel drive option for us to look at. 

Fundraising Update:

Thanks to you we are so close to our goal in start-up costs. We continue to be blessed by the waves of generosity from our friends and family. We have also received a few pledges which is encouraging. So here is where we stand:
  • Start-up costs: Right now we have raised $8,485 of our goal of $10,000. We are so close! We have exactly 10 days to meet our goal before we move, PLEASE help us get there
  • Salary - We have received a few very generous pledges, so about $2,500/$10,000 is covered for this years salary.  These pledges and one time gifts are crucial as they will be applied to this coming year's salary and health insurance.  
  • Final Note - If you are considering a one time gift or pledge we want to strongly encourage you to give sooner rather than later.  Ideally, we would like to avoid raising support on a month to month as-needed basis because we want to put as much energy into this church plant as possible. 
We have been blown away by the collective generosity and support we have received so far and we are incredibly thankful to all who have given. If you are undecided on whether you would like to partner with us in this church planting ministry, please prayerfully consider joining us as we labor to make God known and draw others into his kingdom! 

Also: If you have any questions please contact me at

or call me at 630-346-8041


Dave & Suzanna

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Calling All Chicagoans!!!

Friends and Family,

        This blog has been a great way to keep people updated and informed on the process and journey of the NRCC plant.  However, there is still so much that can be said and shared about the journey that God has us on and it is difficult to express through blog posts alone. With that said, I thought it would be nice to hold an event where I could share in greater detail the things that are unfolding and the way that God is working though Grace Community Church (my Indianapolis home Church) and North Routt Community Church, the church I get to help serve and develop. Therefore, my family (Rick and Suzy) and I want to hold an event/presentation where people can learn more about the story of North Routt, how Suz and I got involved, and what our hopes and goals for the future are. In this we will try and elaborate some important aspects of the upcoming church plant in Colorado. These will include...
  • Our roles: Breaking down the nature and responsibility of my pastoral role and Suzanna's role working at a nearby Ranch
  • What we have learned about the culture of North Routt (mainly Clark but also Steamboat)
  • The vision and ministry opportunities for the church
  • Ways that you can be involved 
This event will take place this Tuesday, April 16th at 7:30pm on the east campus of First Baptist Church in the Chapel Room (near the gymnasium). Here is the Address:

East Campus 
2300 South Street
Geneva, IL 60134

and map for your convenience 

You can go through the front double doors on the north side of the building, take a right and the chapel is down the hall on your right.

Also, did I mention there will be cheesecake and coffee!?!?!

If you are able to join us could you please contact me at, facebook or comment on this blog post below to let me know.

We hope to see you there,

David & Suzanna 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Colorado Housing Quest

        A couple weeks ago, Dave and I drove out to Clark to do some real house hunting.  It had been nearly impossible to secure a good housing option from across the country, especially since so much information is word-of-mouth in a community like Clark.  Thus, we set out with the goal of solidifying housing as well as visiting family, visiting Denver Seminary, and squeezing in some hiking along the way.  The drive was long but not too bad with the stops we had planned.  We stayed with Rebekah, Andrew, and Avery (my sister, brother-in-law, and niece) both on the way out to Colorado and on the way back, which made the drive much more surmountable.  We happened to be there the Sunday Andrew was preaching at church and really enjoyed hearing his message.  It was a unique Sunday, however, as a huge snowstorm had swept through overnight and we were two of only about 30 people who braved the snow to make it to church that morning.  It was funny to return the following week, Easter Sunday, to a warm and sunny Kansas City with hundreds of people filling the auditorium; we were 0 for 2 in experiencing a typical Sunday at Andrew and Rebekah's church!

        The next leg of our journey was a campus visit at Denver Seminary in Littleton, Colorado (just south of Denver).  They put us up in a really nice student apartment (for free!) while we met with and learned from office staff, took a tour of the campus, and had lunch with one of the professors.  It was a a very helpful visit and everyone was so hospitable.  We could really see ourselves living there eventually should David decide to complete their MDiv program (David is thinking of starting an online course or two in Spring 2014).  We spent that afternoon visiting an old family friend of David's who works at World Venture and spent the night exploring downtown Denver, namely the REI flagship store.

        The next day we set out for Steamboat Springs/Clark, only stopping to do some hiking at Red Rocks Park.  We made it to Clark that evening and settled in for our stay.  The following days consisted of pursuing housing options, visiting with some of the church members, and exploring the area.  One church couple in particular, who have been beyond helpful with our transition, had us over for dinner as we discussed ideas and visions for the church.  They even lent us their snowshoes beforehand to work up an appetite in the wooded hills behind their house.  Their friendship and care was so encouraging and uplifting.

        By the beginning of our trip we had about four housing leads, most of which had dropped like flies only days later due to various reasons (one having a buyer, another not being available until August, etc.).  So by lunch on Friday we were feeling very unsure about what to do and we were running out of time.  During our lunch at the Hahn's Peak Roadhouse, I received a call from a woman looking to rent her cabin.  We had just received an email that morning about the opportunity and I was waiting to hear back from her.  She mentioned that we could actually see the property from the Roadhouse; she gave us the lockbox code and we were able to head right over and check it out.  The house blew us away!  It was not ideal in the sense that it was further north than we would like and it came fully furnished but it was priced more affordably and had a warehouse-like shop where we could store our furniture in the meantime.  Needless to say, we have committed to living at this particular house for the summer and possibly beyond (see photo of it below).  What would have been a fruitful trip either way, turned out to be such an example of God's provision.

Although things are moving forward and God is lining things up, we still have much ground to cover as far as raising support goes.  We have been so blessed by the generosity and support that has come in thus far.  If you haven't, please prayerfully consider partnering with us in this ministry that God brought us into.  Our goal is to have the $10,000 start up costs raised before we move on the last weekend of April.

Thank you for your prayers and support as we continue to prepare to move in just over TWO WEEKS!  

Yes, we drove. Yes, Kansas feels as long as it looks. 

Pit stop in Kansas City to spend time with my sister Rebekah, her husband Andrew, and little Avery (Baby #2 due in June).  Snowstorm Virgil passed through overnight but we made it out alive!

Aerial shot of Denver Seminary

Denver Sem's student apartments where we stayed while visiting
We met up with Adam Bradley, an old family friend of David's, who is now working for World Venture - an organization that supports missionaries.
David at The Mothership (aka REI's flagship store)

View of Denver at dusk from REI

We were able to do a little time traveling as well.  If only it had worked on the drive through Kansas. 

A little morning hike at Red Rocks Park before driving the final leg to Clark, CO. 

The Red Rocks Amphitheater.  It was named the #1 concert venue so many times in one magazine that they eventually took them out of the competition and called 1st place the "Red Rocks Award."  It is also on my bucket list to see a show here. 

View of Denver from the Red Rocks Amphitheater

Caution: Stationary Icicles in Falling Motion

We stopped for lunch on the way to Clark at Beau Jo's in an old mining town, Idaho Springs.

Hiking Fish Creek Falls (frozen over) in Steamboat Springs
We made it! Population: At least 2 

Our first morning in Clark...

Misty early morning on our way to look at a housing option. 

Main Street in Steamboat Springs.  David was able to meet with a Steamboat pastor at a favorite local coffee shop - Steaming Bean.  Dave is looking forward to building relationships with pastors in the Steamboat area (which is 30 minutes south of Clark).

Hahn's Peak Roadhouse, a local hot spot - Our house is off a long driveway to the right of the roadhouse. 

Our new home!  At least for the summer.  We encourage any and all visitors!

School house and museum in Hahn's Peak Village, North of Clark

Overlooking the main neighborhood in Clark, Willow Creek Pass

Sunglasses are a must all winter, the ranchers tell us

Hahn's Peak in the distance

Seedhouse Road, which runs along the Elk River and leads to the ranch where Suzanna will be working

Stopping by the mare barn on our way out to see if any foals were born!